What Is the Play-way Method?

Playway Method of Learning

What Is the Play-way Method?

Kids love to play! They are the happiest when engaged in playing games that stimulate their senses and excite them. The play-way method is a way of teaching that focuses on activity-based learning. Developed by British educator Henry Caldwell Cook, the method is based on the belief that kids are likely to learn better by doing and experiencing things rather than just reading or listening. The play-way method emphasizes teaching kids in a creative and joyous environment where they are encouraged to express themselves spontaneously.

Why Is It the Best for Your Child?

The play-way method focuses on the balanced physical, emotional, mental, and cognitive development of your child and gives them the following benefits:

  • Better physical health: By encouraging children to be physically active, the play way method promotes better physical health.
  • Develop problem-solving skills: Kids develop cognitive skills and learn how to solve problems through puzzles and intellectual games.
  • Develop social skills: Through play, kids interact and communicate with each other and learn how to build friendships.
  • Inspire creativity: Learning in an interactive, fun, and exciting environment spurs their imagination and encourages them to be creative.

How Do We Implement It, At Montana International Preschool?

One of the best things about the play-way method is that it is highly customizable, and teachers can develop activities according to a child’s requirements. Planned by an expert curriculum team at Montana International Preschool, our pedagogical activities are designed keeping the mental, physical, and emotional needs of your children at the fore. Specific learning objectives are linked to exciting and fun daily activities that stimulate your kid’s inherent curiosity to explore the world around them.

In both classroom teaching and online live sessions, our teachers lead the activities in various guided formats. The teacher assesses each child’s learning and records their observations to be shared with the parents. The parents are expected to take an active interest in the child’s progress and collaborate with the teachers to plan the future course of action for their children.

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