Kindergarten 1


Kindergarten is a pre-school educational program for young children between the ages of four to six. Children undergo rapid physical growth and intense brain development at this age, making it more important to channel their varied energies productively.

Young children are naturally curious and want to learn more about their environment by observing and exploring. A good kindergarten program taps into their innate curiosity and introduces them to formal education gently and effectively while also boosting their creative and artistic sides.

Many pre-schools have a single kindergarten program in place, but at Montana International Preschool, we understand that children in different age groups have their own unique needs and have two programs based on the age group of the children: Kindergarten 1 (K1) and Kindergarten 2 (K2).

Focus Area

The transition from preschool to primary school is one of the crucial periods in children’s educational life. It is at this period.

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Kindergarten 1 course curriculum at Aptech International preschool involves a wide variety of learning and fun doings.

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Infant Care

The transition from preschool to primary school is one of the crucial periods in children’s educational life. It is at this period.

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Admission Enquiry

Focus Area in K1 Programme

  • Basic language and maths skills
  • Introduction to science
  • Activity-based learning
  • Physical activities
  • Creative expression
  • Communication and social skills

Kindergarten 1's Approach

Kindergarten marks a pivotal stage in a child’s educational life, during which they transition from pre-school to primary school. The first stage of kindergarten is specifically designed for four to five years old children. At this juncture, most children can count fluently up to 100 and can be taught how to write numbers. This is the right time to introduce basic math games to help them hone their counting skills and understand basic operations like addition and subtraction.

Our K1 program focuses on teaching the students basic language skills through interactive lessons and educational activities. Children hone their early reading and writing skills with engaging storytimes and play-acting. They begin to form short sentences in English and are introduced to the Hindi language alphabet. Our children are encouraged to explore creative writing at a young age with simple journaling exercises.

Social interaction with others and learning to communicate properly are important for young children. In our K1 program, children get to interact with each other in a safe and dynamic environment where they can express themselves freely. They are taught about the concept and importance of families and the roles of family members. In this age group, children are curious to learn about people in their neighborhood and community.

One unique activity our K1 students participate in is a seed planting exercise that helps them connect with nature and learn about environmental conservation.

Our K1 teachers are trained to deal with the emotional requirements of small children and help them develop their emotional and social skills. There are numerous ways children express their creativity, and we offer them ample chances to explore their artistic abilities with our drawing and painting classes and song and dance programs.