Between the ages of 2-3, children’s brains develop rapidly. This is when they become curious about their surroundings, explore different things, and learn to recognize simple shapes and colors. They become more socially active and start interacting with people beyond their immediate family. While they are still attached to their parents, they also begin to enjoy the company of their siblings and other children in their age group.
Children enjoy observing their surroundings using their senses: seeing, tasting, touching, hearing, and smell. They also begin to ask lots of “why” questions about their environment. At Montana International Preschool, we tap into their innate curiosity and teach them different shapes, sizes, and colors using models. They are also introduced to the basic pre-maths concepts like counting with objects.
Children around the age of two can follow simple playtime routines like pretending to cook or put a toy to sleep. They also develop a fascination for animals at this age, and we ensure they learn about different animals, their habitats, and eating habits. They learn about different plants, fruits, and vegetables.
Since their brains develop at an unprecedented rate during this stage, it is a good time to introduce them to early formal education. At this age, children can learn how to identify alphabets, numbers, and patterns and are encouraged to scribble with crayons as a pre-writing practice.
Children between the ages of 2-3 years thrive when allowed to interact with each other under the guidance of a trustworthy adult who encourages them to ask questions and express their innate curiosity. In addition to teaching them the names of different parts of their bodies, our teachers also educate them on the sensitive topic of "good" and "bad" touch.
At Montana International Preschool, we understand the unique learning needs of children and strive to provide them a safe and nurturing environment where they get to develop their interests and skills in various essential areas. Our preschoolers are introduced to basic mathematics and language skills in easy-to-learn formats. They get to participate in group activities that help them build social skills. By doing puzzles and playing fun games, they get to exercise their developing cognitive abilities. Interactive activities like singing, dancing, and drawing allow the students to express their creative sides.
Our pre-nursery program focuses on building: